10 Must-Have Smartphone Apps for Pet Owners


There are all kinds of smartphone apps now available on the market today. In fact, you can find an app for almost anything. These apps are quickly gaining popularity, even among pet owners, as they find them very useful for a number of different reasons. Here are 10 must have smartphone apps for pet owners.

1.) Pet Master Pro
Ever wish there were a place to keep your pet’s complete medical history on hand at all times? Well, now, thanks to Pet Master Pro, you can have your pet’s medical history at your fingertips and a push of a button! This useful app comes in handy whether you and your pet are just going for a routine visit to the vet or in the middle of a medical emergency. With Pet Master Pro, pet owners can track their dog’s or cat’s medications, appointments, allergies, vaccinations, insurance information, vital statistics, microchip registration, and much more! This is a great and practical app for all petowners, especially if you’re the forgetful type.

2.) PupTox
PupTox is a useful app that features a categorized list of over 250 things that are toxic to cats and dogs. Now pet owners no longer have to worry about what may or may not be toxic for their pet, all they have to do is ask PupTox for the answer. This handy app also includes descriptions of how each item can harm your furry companion. Thinking about starting a garden, but worried about what plants might be toxic to your dog? PupTox has the answers!

3.) Pet Minder Pro
If you lead a busy life, or are the forgetful type, then Pet Minder Pro is just the app for you and your pet! It provides friendly reminders when it is time to feed or walk your dog, or even when its time to give them their medication. This app is also great for new pet owners who are trying to train their puppy or kitten, as it works great for logging your pet’s bathroom habits, among many other tasks.

4.) Clicker Training
The “Clicker” is a useful tool that works for training your dog or cat. Now with the Clicker Training app for your smartphone you can always have your clicker at the end of your fingertips no matter where you are. This awesome app also features training videos and tips to help you along during the training process.

5.) House Training
House training your pet has never been easier with the House Training app for smartphone! This app will help your pup learn to pee and poop on schedule and helps you keep a daily log of your dog’s potty progress, as well as training support for when he or she has an accident.

6.) BringFido
Do you and your family travel frequently? Thinking about going on vacation? Traveling with your pet has never been easier thanks to BringFido. This amazing app is your go-to-guide to finding pet-friendly hotels, businesses, and other general places of interest for pets and their owners.

7.) PetSnap
Looking to take a photo of your pet? PetSnap is a fun app that allows smartphone users to get their pet’s attention with sounds that are attractive to dogs and cats, so you can snap their picture right in the nick of time!

8.) Dog Translator
Ever wish you could understand what your dog is saying? Dog Translator is a fun app that records and translates your dog’s barking and displays your dog’s message in easy-to-understand English. If you are looking for an entertaining app to help you and your pet pass the time, then this is just the app for you.

9.) App For Cats
Is your cat suffering from boredom? Why not try downloading the fun App For Cats? This smartphone app is hilarious and entertaining. It will entertain your cat for hours as they try to capture the critters darting across the screen.

10.) Pet First Aid
Another useful app that pet owners shouldn’t go without is called Pet First Aid. This amazing app features videos with step-by-step instructions for how to care for your injured pet. This app has all sorts of useful information for a pet emergency, and includes tips on how to perform CPR, how to treat burns, bandage an injury, or administer certain medications, etc.. This app is a must have for all pet owners!

Ways To Reduce Your Pet’s Carbon Pawprint


If you are living a vegan lifestyle, then you’ve already made an important step in the right direction when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product, or person. So you’ve cut animal products completely out of your diet and you’ve switched to eco-friendly cleaning supplies, started biking to work, and lowered the thermostat a few degrees. These are all great steps in the right direction, but what about the other members of your family? Did you know that there are also ways to help reduce your companion animal’s carbon pawprint? Here are a few steps to help get you started.

  1. Serve More Vegan Meals

Switching to a vegan diet is the single most effective thing we can do to help fight climate change and cruelty to animals. Despite what many may think, including your pet in this process is perfectly healthy. In fact, many pets thrive on a vegan diet. Even if you aren’t comfortable with switching your dog or cat to a completely vegan diet, just reducing the amount of animal products in their diet and including healthier choices is a small step in the right direction. Our dog Gizmo has been on a completely vegan diet for a little over a year now and he is a perfectly healthy little guy. He is free fed a vegan dog kibble by the name of V-Dog everyday, and in addition we make him vegan stews, dog treats, and feed him lots of veggies. Three of his favorite treats include bananas, peanut butter, and tofu. When he is a good boy he gets dehydrated sweet potato fries and V-Dog bones, sweet potato bones, or Fruitables vegan dog treats (Most of their crunchy “baked” treats are vegan, however, they also offer non-vegan treats; so be sure to check ingredients). Gizmo is a happy vegan, and there’s no reason your furry friend can’t be too! Of course, before switching your pet to a vegan diet, you should always consult with your veterinarian first.

  1. Switch To An Eco-Friendly Cat Litter

Traditional clumping, clay-based litters are not only messy, they are loaded with harmful carcinogens and dust that your feline friend can inhale and can clog their intestines when they groom themselves. Clumping litter is also worse for the environment. Fortunately, there are plenty of environment-friendly alternatives such as Feline Pine, or Yesterday’s News. These non-toxic cat litters are made from pine and recycled newspapers. Other environment-friendly litters you might consider include litters made out of corn fiber or wheat. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types until your kitty finds the one he or she likes best. You will both enjoy the change. Now breathe easy.

  1. Switch To Bio-Degradable Poop Bags

When it comes to taking your dog out to use the bathroom, switch to bio-degradable bags that will decompose rather than just sit for an eternity in a plastic bag. There are also plenty of washable and/or reusable bags and training pads available on the market today. If you’re really feeling green, you might even consider dog waste composting–yeah, that’s a thing.

  1. Adopt, Don’t Shop

Adopting animals from a rescue shelter instead of buying them from a breeder or getting them for free from your neighbor, or your local pet store is a selfless and amazing thing to do. By adopting you will be giving some homeless dog or cat a second chance at life and a stable and loving environment to come home to. In addition to adopting, and not shopping, it is crucial for pet owners to act responsibly when it comes to caring for their pet. Keeping your pets indoors keeps them from roaming around and terrorizing or killing birds, rabbits, or other wildlife and will also keep them from reproducing and leading to even more overpopulation of homeless dogs and cats. Last but not least, (and I can’t stress this enough) Always spay and neuter your pets! Allowing your pet to bring another litter of kittens or puppies into an already overpopulated world is irresponsible and tragic. Do you really want to be responsible for breeding another litter of strays? Getting your pet fixed is the single most effective thing you can do to avoid animal homelessness.

  1. Avoid By-Products

Whether you decide to switch your pet to an all-vegan diet or just decide to cut back, it is important to invest in high-quality pet foods that list protein such as chicken, lamb, venison, duck, or fish as the first ingredient, rather than by-products. This simple change can have a huge impact on your feline or canine companion’s health and a positive impact on the environment as well.

  1. Opt For Minimal Packaging

Keeping it simple is key when it comes to reducing your pet’s carbon pawprint. This can be done by avoiding heavily packaged and processed foods and treats. All those cans and plastic bags will just end up in a landfill somewhere. You can make a huge difference by opting instead for products with minimal packaging. Don’t forget to recycle afterwards to keep paying it forward.

Vegan Fresh Breath Dog Biscuits


  • 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon Flaxseed Meal & 3 Tablespoons Warm Water (equivalent to 1 egg)
  • 6-8 Sprigs Parsley
  • 6-8 Sprigs Mint
  • 1/3 Cup Unsweetened Plain Soy Yogurt
  • 1/2 Cup Vegetable Broth
  • 3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 2 or 3 drops Peppermint Extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a food processor or blender, combine parsley, mint, and coconut oil until finely pureed
  3. In a separate bowl combine yogurt, flaxseed meal, and vegetable broth
  4. Add a drop or two of peppermint extract
  5. Stir in coconut oil and herb mix into flour
  6. Combine with hands, until mixed well
  7. Roll dough on a lightly floured surface
  8. Cut dough and roll into small balls or use a cookie cutter with shape of your choice
  9. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or spray with nonstick cooking spray
  10. Place cookies 1″ apart on sheet
  11. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are golden brown
  12. Let cool

*Can be stored in an airtight container for up to 1 week or refrigerated for up to 1 month

Vegan Pumpkin & Parsley Dog Biscuits



  • 2 Tablespoon Flaxseed Meal
  • 2 Tablespoons Powdered Soy Milk
  • 1/2 cup Canned Pumpkin
  • 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
  • 2 1/2 cups Brown Rice Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Parsley

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.

  1. In a large bowl combine flaxseed meal and pumpkin to smooth. (Note: 1 Tablespoon flaxseed meal plus 3 Tablespoons warm water is equivalent to 1 egg)
  2. Stir in dry soy milk, sea salt, and dried parsley
  3. Gradually add brown rice flour, to form a stiff, dry dough
  4. Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface (if dough is still rough, briefly kneed and press to combine)
  5. Use cookie cutter to cut shapes into dough, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Dog bone cookie cutters work great .
  6. Place shapes on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  7. Bake 20 minutes
  8. Remove from oven, turn over and bake additional 20 minutes
  9. Allow to cool

*Makes about 50 small biscuits or 75 medium biscuits