How To Make Sun Tea

If you love iced tea then this is just the guide for you! Using the natural light of the sun is a great and tasty way to brew your own tea at home. Its not hard, and takes very little effort. This guide will help you make your own sun tea and have you brewing like a beast in no time!

Things You Will Need

  • A clear glass jug, pitcher, or jar
  • Tea bags or loose leaf tea
  • Filtered water (optional, but filtered water will work and taste better than tap water)
  • Sunlight

How To Make Your Own Sun Tea

If its a warm, sunny day then you are just in luck — its the ideal time to make your very own sun tea! Using the natural heat of the sun and a clear glass jug or jar, you can brew your own iced tea at home.

1.) Fill a clear glass jug, pitcher, or jar with water, the amount of water depending on how much tea you would like to make. Glass jugs work better than plastic and can usually be found at your local department store like Meijer, Kohl’s, Target, etc. I found my glass jug at Home Goods for $12.99, it came with a glass lid and features a spicket, excellent for brewing tea!

2.) Add either tea bags or loose leaf tea to your jug of water. Black teas work best for sun tea, since they feature floral, roasted summer like flavors. They are also more versatile over ice than other types of tea. I prefer Whole Food’s 365 Black Tea Blend.

3.) Find a sunny location to place your jug. A window ledge, patio, porch, patch of grass or sidewalk will all suffice. Try to find a place that will get direct sunlight for 3 to 5 hours straight. The intensity of the sun will directly affect the intensity of the brew. Leave the tea to steep in the heat of the sun.

4.) Keep an eye on your tea until it reaches its desired strength. The color of the tea will give you a good indication of when its ready and depends on how strong you would like your tea. (i.e. the darker the color, the stronger the flavor). If the sun moves during the day you might need to move your jug to a different sun filled location to maintain proper brewing and strength.

5.) Once your tea has reached its desired strength you can remove the tea bags, serve, and enjoy!

Free and Low Cost Gift Ideas For Your Pet


With Christmas quickly approaching, the thought of being able to afford gifts for everyone can become quite stressful.  Its hard enough trying to come up with the money to buy your spouse and children gifts–let alone your pet. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to still celebrate Christmas with your furry friend, all while remaining in your budget. Here are some of the best free and low cost gift ideas for your pet this holiday season! It may not cost an arm and a leg, but your furry companion will love it all the same.

DIY gifts! (Around the house)
Your household is full of them, you just have to be creative and open your eyes a little. My cats Ariel and Mowgli, love many of the following…..

  • Empty toilet paper rolls. – The next time you do your business in the bathroom, instead of tossing that toilet paper roll give it to kitty instead. If you really want to get creative with it you can personalize it. Poke some holes in it and tie some pieces of string to it. Cats love anything that rolls around on the floor and has strings. Just make sure that if you put string on it that its tied securely enough where kitty can’t tear it off and choke on it or eat the string.
  • Empty tissue boxes. – Another thing my cats love are when we give them empty tissue boxes, Ariel’s favorite is when we put one of her toy mice or balls inside it. If your cat doesn’t have a toy mouse or ball, they are usually pretty inexpensive and can be purchased at your local grocery store, dollar store or pet supply store. Your best bet would be somewhere like Pet Supplies Plus or Dollar Tree, as you can usually find them here for a dollar or less. Your cat will enjoy trying to get the toy out of the box, and don’t be surprised when she actually turns the box upside down onto her head and walks around the house that way. Its entertaining for you and your cat and a great way for your cat to get exercise.
  • Empty pop cases – These make a great place for kitty to hide and run across the floor. Really, any big box that you can find will work. Ariel loves her coffee maker kitchen aide box more than anything. She plays in it and sleeps in it for hours because its dark and spacious and cats love that!
  • Empty pop bottles without the cap – If one of kitty’s smaller mice will fit inside it she’ll love rolling it around on the floor trying to get the mouse out.
  • Empty water bottles –  These make a crinkly exciting noise and will keep kitty busy for hours.
  • Crumpled up tissue paper. – Roll your left over tissue paper into a ball big enough where kitty can’t swallow it, and she will most likely play with it for an hour or so before she starts to tear it up. Just make sure not to leave your cat unsupervised with the tissue paper, and take it away from her when she does start to chew it.
  • Sticky notes or folded up notebook paper – These are also fun for cats because they can carry them in their mouth through the house and flick them up in the air with their paws.
  • Tampons – Even something as simple as a tampon, outside of the plastic or cardboard covering, will keep your cat entertained for a bit. They will have fun chasing it around the floor, and playing with the hanging string.
  • Get Crafty –  If you know how to sew, or are crafty in some other way, why not make some other type of neat toy for your cat? Get a bit of inexpensive catnip, or grow some at home, and sew together a little sack or crochet a toy to keep it in. Your cat will love it!

For kitty to join in on the unwrapping of presents during Christmas, wrap any of the above items in gift paper or put them in a gift bag, kitty will love unwrapping the toys and will most likely turn the wrapping paper and gift bag into a big heap of fun as well. You could even wrap an empty box or just crumple up some gift wrap because kitty will enjoy those just as much too.

Shop at thrift stores!
Thrift stores are a great place to find your pet the perfect toy! You can often find lightly used dog and cat toys, or even bird toys, etc. Just make sure that they are in proper working order, not broken or missing pieces and wash them in scolding hot water and soap to get all the germs off of them before giving them to your pet. Many times I can often find squeaky toys for pets or even something as simple as a tennis ball. However the best toys I find at thrift stores for my cat are toys that weren’t even meant for kittens! I am talking about baby toys! These make the best gifts for any pet! Look for things like….

  • Big cloth blocks that jingle for your cat to roll around on the floor.
  • Little cloth baby rattle toys that hang from car seats and things. Find a doorknob to hang them from or hang them from a basket etc. and your cat will love it!
  • I’ve also found things like little baby stuffed animals that crinkle or make noise, baby toys that have rings on them,
  • All kinds of balls that have things inside them that jingle, spin, or shake.
  • Baby blankets or the wrist rattles that tie onto a baby’s arms.

Cloth bath toys are another great idea. My cat has a cloth shark that she loves to death, its one of her favorite toys. She also has a little cloth rainbow fish that she enjoys playing with. Her favorite however has got to be her cloth Mater toy from the movie Cars that I found still in the package at Goodwill for 25 cents. It was originally in a box of Kellogg’s cereal. She carries him all through the house, hides him under the stove and flicks him around in the air with her paws and teeth. Like I said, its toys like these that make the perfect gift! They are fun, convenient, easy to find and cheap!

I usually find most of my toys at Goodwill and they cost anywhere from 10 to 25 cents plus tax. You can’t beat a price like that!

Shop at Dollar stores or Look in the Clearance Section
When all else fails, search at your local dollar store, or in the clearance section at stores.  Sign up for coupons or make frequent visits to the store.  One of the best times to get toys and other pet supplies at a discounted price, is after the holidays.  There are always deals, you just have to keep your eyes open. Try right after the holidays when everything is more likely to be on sale, and save it for next year if you have to. Its a great way to find that perfect toy your pet would love at an affordable price that won’t leave you struggling to make ends meet later.

Easy Vegan Bean & Cheese Enchiladas


If you aren’t sure what to make for dinner then why not try this easy recipe for vegan bean and cheese enchiladas?

What You’ll Need

  • 1 can vegetarian refried beans (I like Old El Paso’s Vegetarian Refried Beans best)
  • 1 can mild enchilada sauce (Again, I prefer Old El Paso brand)
  • 1 package vegan flour tortillas
  • 1 bag Follow Your Heart Fiesta Blend Shreds (Cheese I prefer. Usually sold at a Whole Foods near you)
  • Other optional vegan cheese alternative – Cheddar Daiya Shreds will also work just fine.


  1. Heat up refried beans on stovetop or in microwave until warm
  2. Heat up flour tortillas for about 10-20 seconds on stovetop or microwave
  3. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
  4. Lay tortillas flat in a casserole or baking dish and spread beans onto tortillas
  5. Sprinkle Fiesta Blend Shreds on top
  6. Roll up filled tortillas
  7. Open can of enchilada sauce and carefully ladel on top of enchiladas
  8. Sprinkle more Fiesta Blend Shreds on top
  9. Place enchiladas in oven and bake for 20-30 minutes (cheese should be melted and tortillas should be a little crispy)
  10. Serve with your favorite vegan condiments and enjoy!

For even more flavor try adding the following:


  • Tofutti Sour Cream
  • Louisiana Hot Sauce or other hot sauce of your choice
  • Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce
  • Salsa

Additional Ingredients You Can Try:

  • Diced onion
  • Diced green chiles
  • Diced tomatos
  • Vegan Spanish rice (Old El Paso Spanish Rice is accidentally vegan. ONLY their “Spanish” Rice, Mexican Rice is NOT. Simply follow instructions and place inside tortillas with beans and vegan cheese)

10 Must-Have Smartphone Apps for Pet Owners


There are all kinds of smartphone apps now available on the market today. In fact, you can find an app for almost anything. These apps are quickly gaining popularity, even among pet owners, as they find them very useful for a number of different reasons. Here are 10 must have smartphone apps for pet owners.

1.) Pet Master Pro
Ever wish there were a place to keep your pet’s complete medical history on hand at all times? Well, now, thanks to Pet Master Pro, you can have your pet’s medical history at your fingertips and a push of a button! This useful app comes in handy whether you and your pet are just going for a routine visit to the vet or in the middle of a medical emergency. With Pet Master Pro, pet owners can track their dog’s or cat’s medications, appointments, allergies, vaccinations, insurance information, vital statistics, microchip registration, and much more! This is a great and practical app for all petowners, especially if you’re the forgetful type.

2.) PupTox
PupTox is a useful app that features a categorized list of over 250 things that are toxic to cats and dogs. Now pet owners no longer have to worry about what may or may not be toxic for their pet, all they have to do is ask PupTox for the answer. This handy app also includes descriptions of how each item can harm your furry companion. Thinking about starting a garden, but worried about what plants might be toxic to your dog? PupTox has the answers!

3.) Pet Minder Pro
If you lead a busy life, or are the forgetful type, then Pet Minder Pro is just the app for you and your pet! It provides friendly reminders when it is time to feed or walk your dog, or even when its time to give them their medication. This app is also great for new pet owners who are trying to train their puppy or kitten, as it works great for logging your pet’s bathroom habits, among many other tasks.

4.) Clicker Training
The “Clicker” is a useful tool that works for training your dog or cat. Now with the Clicker Training app for your smartphone you can always have your clicker at the end of your fingertips no matter where you are. This awesome app also features training videos and tips to help you along during the training process.

5.) House Training
House training your pet has never been easier with the House Training app for smartphone! This app will help your pup learn to pee and poop on schedule and helps you keep a daily log of your dog’s potty progress, as well as training support for when he or she has an accident.

6.) BringFido
Do you and your family travel frequently? Thinking about going on vacation? Traveling with your pet has never been easier thanks to BringFido. This amazing app is your go-to-guide to finding pet-friendly hotels, businesses, and other general places of interest for pets and their owners.

7.) PetSnap
Looking to take a photo of your pet? PetSnap is a fun app that allows smartphone users to get their pet’s attention with sounds that are attractive to dogs and cats, so you can snap their picture right in the nick of time!

8.) Dog Translator
Ever wish you could understand what your dog is saying? Dog Translator is a fun app that records and translates your dog’s barking and displays your dog’s message in easy-to-understand English. If you are looking for an entertaining app to help you and your pet pass the time, then this is just the app for you.

9.) App For Cats
Is your cat suffering from boredom? Why not try downloading the fun App For Cats? This smartphone app is hilarious and entertaining. It will entertain your cat for hours as they try to capture the critters darting across the screen.

10.) Pet First Aid
Another useful app that pet owners shouldn’t go without is called Pet First Aid. This amazing app features videos with step-by-step instructions for how to care for your injured pet. This app has all sorts of useful information for a pet emergency, and includes tips on how to perform CPR, how to treat burns, bandage an injury, or administer certain medications, etc.. This app is a must have for all pet owners!

3 Easy Tips for Giving Any Patio or Backyard a New Look


If you are looking for new decorating ideas or a way to make your patio or backyard into a relaxing hangout-spot, then you might consider the following tips which are great for giving any patio or backyard a stylish, calming, new look.

Create a Bit Of Privacy
Sometimes just adding a bit of privacy to your yard or garden can make all the difference in the world. There are many different ways to do this, whether you are a home owner or renting. There are all kinds of options to choose from when it comes to creating a more private yard or patio. For instance, homeowners might consider building a privacy fence or screen, or if you live in an apartment, wall dividers, curtains, bamboo screens or shades that can be hung and drawn. Mesh screens that velcro and keep out bugs and intruders are also ideal, and help create a bit more privacy, giving any backyard or patio a more homey feel. Plants are another great way to create more privacy in a yard or patio. Simply gather potted plants and experiment with stacking them how you see fit, to create a bit of shade, or a privacy wall. Begonias and tall ornamental grasses work great for this. Not only will you have more privacy this way, you will also enjoy the beautiful scenery and the aroma of blooms and foilage surrounding you.

Incorporate Calming Waters
If you are looking to give your patio or backyard a calming vibe, then you might consider investing in a water fountain, or making a water garden. The sound of running water is a lovely ambient sound to enjoy while lounging around, and it has a calming effect, immediately helping to enhance any mood or place. Check your local garden or home department store for different fountains, or try making your own fountain at home using a few terra cotta pots, and rocks. Another option is to make a pond or water garden. You can make your very own water garden by filling a metal pail, tub, bird bath, or other object with floating candles, river rocks, glass rocks, marbles or baubles, and low maintenance aquatic plants like water lettuce.

Make Things Cozy
One of the easiest ways to get the most out of any backyard or patio space is to make it feel cozy. The more at home you feel somewhere, the more likely you are to spend your time there, so don’t make any exceptions when it comes to your backyard or patio. Finding comfortable furniture, adding vibrantly colored decor, or a few of your favorite books or magazines are all great ways to make a space more enjoyable. You might also consider hanging up a few bird feeders, windchimes, or planters. Or perhaps painting your porch or patio furniture a new color will help spruce things up a bit. There are all sorts of ways to freshen things up, and make your backyard space quaint and cozy.

Easy Vegan Buffalo Sauce Recipe


This easy vegan buffalo sauce is super easy to make. It can be made at home with a few key ingredients, most of which you probably already have lying around your kitchen. It tastes great as a spicy dip for your favorite vegan treat, or to make vegan buffalo wings. We usually use Field Roast’s apple sage sausages to make buffalo wings, and spread this homemade sauce over top. This sauce is hot, hot, hot but you’ll keep coming back for more!

What you’ll need

  • 1/3 cup Louisiana Hot Sauce (Or other hot sauce of your choice)
  • 3 Tbsp. Earth Balance Butter
  • 1/2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
  • 2 Tablespoons Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (Can be found online or at Whole Foods)
  • 2 Tbsp. – 1/4 cup Soy milk (Base this off taste. The less milk the spicier your sauce will be)
  • A Few Dashes of Cayenne Papper


Combine hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce and vegan butter in a sauce pan on medium heat

Mix combination until butter is thoroughly melted and mixed into hot sauce

Add garlic powder and a few dashes of cayenne pepper to sauce

Continue to mix until starts to bubble, then add soy milk

Mix again until starts to bubble then immediately move from stovetop (don’t let sauce boil)

-Rub onto your favorite vegan treat or use as a dip


Ways To Reduce Your Pet’s Carbon Pawprint


If you are living a vegan lifestyle, then you’ve already made an important step in the right direction when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product, or person. So you’ve cut animal products completely out of your diet and you’ve switched to eco-friendly cleaning supplies, started biking to work, and lowered the thermostat a few degrees. These are all great steps in the right direction, but what about the other members of your family? Did you know that there are also ways to help reduce your companion animal’s carbon pawprint? Here are a few steps to help get you started.

  1. Serve More Vegan Meals

Switching to a vegan diet is the single most effective thing we can do to help fight climate change and cruelty to animals. Despite what many may think, including your pet in this process is perfectly healthy. In fact, many pets thrive on a vegan diet. Even if you aren’t comfortable with switching your dog or cat to a completely vegan diet, just reducing the amount of animal products in their diet and including healthier choices is a small step in the right direction. Our dog Gizmo has been on a completely vegan diet for a little over a year now and he is a perfectly healthy little guy. He is free fed a vegan dog kibble by the name of V-Dog everyday, and in addition we make him vegan stews, dog treats, and feed him lots of veggies. Three of his favorite treats include bananas, peanut butter, and tofu. When he is a good boy he gets dehydrated sweet potato fries and V-Dog bones, sweet potato bones, or Fruitables vegan dog treats (Most of their crunchy “baked” treats are vegan, however, they also offer non-vegan treats; so be sure to check ingredients). Gizmo is a happy vegan, and there’s no reason your furry friend can’t be too! Of course, before switching your pet to a vegan diet, you should always consult with your veterinarian first.

  1. Switch To An Eco-Friendly Cat Litter

Traditional clumping, clay-based litters are not only messy, they are loaded with harmful carcinogens and dust that your feline friend can inhale and can clog their intestines when they groom themselves. Clumping litter is also worse for the environment. Fortunately, there are plenty of environment-friendly alternatives such as Feline Pine, or Yesterday’s News. These non-toxic cat litters are made from pine and recycled newspapers. Other environment-friendly litters you might consider include litters made out of corn fiber or wheat. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types until your kitty finds the one he or she likes best. You will both enjoy the change. Now breathe easy.

  1. Switch To Bio-Degradable Poop Bags

When it comes to taking your dog out to use the bathroom, switch to bio-degradable bags that will decompose rather than just sit for an eternity in a plastic bag. There are also plenty of washable and/or reusable bags and training pads available on the market today. If you’re really feeling green, you might even consider dog waste composting–yeah, that’s a thing.

  1. Adopt, Don’t Shop

Adopting animals from a rescue shelter instead of buying them from a breeder or getting them for free from your neighbor, or your local pet store is a selfless and amazing thing to do. By adopting you will be giving some homeless dog or cat a second chance at life and a stable and loving environment to come home to. In addition to adopting, and not shopping, it is crucial for pet owners to act responsibly when it comes to caring for their pet. Keeping your pets indoors keeps them from roaming around and terrorizing or killing birds, rabbits, or other wildlife and will also keep them from reproducing and leading to even more overpopulation of homeless dogs and cats. Last but not least, (and I can’t stress this enough) Always spay and neuter your pets! Allowing your pet to bring another litter of kittens or puppies into an already overpopulated world is irresponsible and tragic. Do you really want to be responsible for breeding another litter of strays? Getting your pet fixed is the single most effective thing you can do to avoid animal homelessness.

  1. Avoid By-Products

Whether you decide to switch your pet to an all-vegan diet or just decide to cut back, it is important to invest in high-quality pet foods that list protein such as chicken, lamb, venison, duck, or fish as the first ingredient, rather than by-products. This simple change can have a huge impact on your feline or canine companion’s health and a positive impact on the environment as well.

  1. Opt For Minimal Packaging

Keeping it simple is key when it comes to reducing your pet’s carbon pawprint. This can be done by avoiding heavily packaged and processed foods and treats. All those cans and plastic bags will just end up in a landfill somewhere. You can make a huge difference by opting instead for products with minimal packaging. Don’t forget to recycle afterwards to keep paying it forward.

How To Grow Mushrooms

Growing your own mushrooms at home is a great way to save money and eat healthy! Mushrooms are fat-free, low in calories, and loaded with tons of essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, making them an ideal snack or side dish. One thing you need to know about growing mushrooms, is that it is unlike other types of gardening you might have experience with. Fortunately, with a bit of knowledge and the right gardening equipment, you can be growing your own mushrooms in no time!

How Mushrooms Grow

Unlike other things you’ve probably grown in the garden, mushrooms are different in that they do not grow from seeds, they grow from spores. What’s even more interesting is that these spores are so small they can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Since spores do not contain chlorophyll to begin germinating, (as seeds do), instead they rely on other substances for nourishment. Including:

  • Sawdust
  • Straw
  • Wood Chips
  • Grain
  • Cardboard
  • Logs
  • Compost
  • Cotton
  • Corncobs
  • Etc.

A blend of these nutrients and spores are what is known as spawn. Spawn supports the growth of mushroom’s mycelium– tiny, white, threadlike roots. A mushroom’s mycelium is what grows first. Your chances of having a better mushroom harvest will increase when the spawn is applied to a substrate or other growing medium.

Where Mushrooms Grow

Now that you know how mushrooms grow, it is important to know where mushrooms grow, so that you can get it right the first time. When growing your own mushrooms at home, it is important to consider the type of environment, mushrooms prefer:

  • Dark
  • Cool
  • Moist
  • Humid

If you are growing mushrooms indoors, a basement is ideal. Another option is under the sink.

Testing The Location

Once you have found a preferred area to grow your mushrooms, it is important to test the temperature. Keep in mind that most mushrooms grow best in temperatures between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, away from drying, direct heat and drafts. Some mushrooms such as Enoki, prefer cooler temperatures of about 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Another thing to consider is the season you are growing mushrooms in. Winter is often ideal. If you are planning on growing your mushrooms during the summer, a basement might be too warm.

While mushrooms can tolerate a little bit of light, the place you choose to grow your mushrooms should stay mostly dark, and/or have very little light.

Types Of Mushrooms

There are many different varieties of mushrooms to choose from. One of the advantages to growing your own mushrooms, rather than harvesting them from the wild, is not having to worry about accidentally picking a poisonous mushroom.

The most common types of mushrooms grown from home include:

  • Crimini
  • Enoki
  • Shiitake
  • White Button
  • Oyster
  • Portabella
  • Maitake
  • Beech

Each type of mushroom has its own specific growing needs:

  • Crimini, Portabella and White Button mushrooms should be grown on composted manure.
  • Shiitakes and Maitakes should be grown on wood or hardwood sawdust.
  • Oyster mushrooms should be grown on straw or agricultural and wood waste products.
  • Enoki and Beech mushrooms are often grown in plastic bottles filled with substrate like ground corn cob pellets, wheat bran, or soy meal.

Growing Mushrooms

When growing mushrooms from home there are a few different options for materials:

Mushroom Kits

One of the easiest options for growing mushrooms at home is to purchase a mushroom kit. These kits come already packaged with a growing medium that’s inoculated with mushroom spawn. Buying a kit is a great way to begin expanding your knowledge about growing mushrooms. At my local Whole Foods, I’ve seen a few kits where the mushrooms grow straight from the box. Check your local Whole Foods market in the produce section, or purchase your own kit online. Espresso Mushroom Company, and Gardener’s Supply Company have a few different varieties to choose from.

Trays & Heating Pad

Button mushrooms can be grown using 14×16 inch trays about 6 inches deep. These trays, which resemble seed flats, can then be filled with compost material and inoculated with spawn. To raise the temperature to the preferred growing humidity, a heating pad can be used. An ideal soil temperature is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature should be kept for about 3 weeks, or until you see mycelium. At this point, the temperature can be dropped down to 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover the spawn with an inch or so of potting soil. Crucial to promoting a strong growth, is keeping the soil moist. This can be done by spritzing some water and covering the soil with a damp cloth. Keep spritzing as the soil dries.

Within 3 to 4 weeks, your button mushrooms should begin to appear. Once their caps open, they can be harvested by cutting the stalk with a sharp knife, from the stem. Never pull the mushrooms, as this risks damage to surrounding, developing fungi. Harvesting mushrooms everyday should result in a continuous crop for about six months.

Harvesting Mushrooms

Mushrooms are typically harvested by hand throughout a 16-35 day cycle, but the time really just depends on the type of mushroom you are growing. A few good ways to tell if your mushrooms are ready to harvest are:

  • When the mushroom caps are large or a perfectly formed size
  • When the mushroom caps are slightly turned down or opened
  • Caps are at least 2 to 3 inches across

Your mushrooms can be harvested by cutting the stalks from the stem, with a sharp knife. Never pull the mushrooms, as this can damage them.

When harvesting mushrooms, it is best to put them into some kind of container, so they have air circulation as they are being picked. After harvesting your mushrooms it is very important to get them cleaned up so that they can be stored into refrigerated storage as soon as possible. (within an hour of picking).

Cleaning & Storing Mushrooms

The best way to clean mushrooms is to wipe them with a clean, barely damp cloth or paper towel. Another option is to rinse them very lightly, and then dry them off immediately and gently with a paper towel. Never soak fresh mushrooms, it will make them soggy.

Mushrooms can be stored in a paper bag or a damp cloth in the refrigerator. This allows the mushrooms to breathe so that they stay firm and fresh, longer. Never store mushrooms in a plastic bag, it will cause them to deteriorate.

10 Must Have Staples for Any Vegan Kitchen

Guide for Newbie Plant Based Eaters

If you are looking for some new plant based foods for your kitchen, then look no further than these 10 vegan staples; a must have for any kitchen. The following plant based food items are great for creating any delicious meal, and will add flavor and creativity to any dish.

1.) Nutritional Yeast

This deactivated yeast, made from single cell organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has become very popular in the vegan community. Often referred to as “nooch”, this heavenly golden flake/powder can be found in most natural food stores, or sometimes in the nature’s market at your local grocery store. A great source of nutrients and vitamins, nooch is a complete protein and is rich in vitamin B12. Naturally low in fat and sodium, this product is free of dairy, gluten, and sugar, and will give a burst of “cheesy” flavor to any dish. Nutritional yeast tastes great in spaghetti, salads, pizza, casseroles, vegan mac & cheese, or on top of popcorn. Simply sprinkle and enjoy that guilt-free cheesy flavor.

2.) Nuts (Cashews)

If you thought that going vegan meant having to give up rich and creamy foods — think again. Cashews are a must have staple for any vegan kitchen. They can be used to make cashew cream, which can be used in countless vegan recipes such as cashew cream cheese, cashew sour cream, or alfredo sauce. It can also be used to make vegan pesto. Other nuts like almonds, pine nuts, or pecans are also great to have around in the kitchen because they are very versatile and can be used in many different recipes.

3.) Tofu

Tofu is great because as long as you know how to season and cook it properly, it will take on the flavor of its seasonings. It is super cheap and will compliment any dish. It goes great in stir-fries, can be made into a tofu scramble, put into a sandwich, crushed up and used as “ricotta cheese” in a lasagna, or used as a filling inside a vegan “cheesecake”. It also tastes great when seasoned with some nooch and cut into a square, placed on top of an english muffin with vegan bacon and vegan cheese, then melted in the oven to perfection. Voilà , you have your very own vegan breakfast sandwich with tofu as your egg substitute. Yum!

4.) Tempeh

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans and has a distinctive, nutty taste, and tough texture. It is easy to prepare and not too expensive, which makes it an ideal staple for vegans. Tempeh tastes great in a TLT sandwich, as a substitute for bacon, in a tempeh reuben, tempeh burger, or when made into vegan jerky. There are all kinds of ways to eat tempeh.

5.) Greens (Kale)

Greens like kale should always be at the top of any healthy shopping list, as they provide a number of vitamins and nutrients essential for achieving optimum health. This green is a great choice, because it is very low in calories and contains 206% of the daily value of Vitamin A, 134% of Vitamin C, and is also high in iron.

Kale tastes great in salads or as a substitute for lettuce on top of your favorite vegan sandwich. It is easy to grow in the garden, which makes preparing kale even easier and also saves you money in the long run. Just think, with a garden full of thriving kale, you can have homemade kale chips when you get those midnight munchies, or blend a little with your morning smoothie. The best thing about kale? After consuming it, you’ll feel grrrreat!

6.) Beans, Lentils, and Legumes

Beans, lentils and legumes are a popular staple for vegans, and with good reason: they are cheap, have a long shelf life and contain lots of protein! Beans, lentils, and legumes are easy to prepare and relatively cheap to purchase. You can buy them dried, in bulk and store up for the apocalypse, or if you’re in a hurry and on the go, canned beans are ideal. Beans are very versatile and can compliment many different meals. Black beans or vegetarian refried beans make great tacos or enchiladas. Beans, lentils and legumes all go great in a soup or spaghetti sauce. You can also use them to make a vegan burger from scratch. There are many different choices. You can never go wrong with these three items.

7.) Grains

Grains are another inexpensive but versatile staple for any vegan household. Rice and other grains like quinoa can be used in many different ways. Both are great for stir-fries, or when seasoned and served as a side dish or as a base to a stew. They both can be used as a filling inside a wrap or taco, or can even be used to make vegan sushi. While rice is great, quinoa is even better (its a complete protein and a super food). One cup of cooked quinoa has 8 grams of protein and also contains several essential vitamins and minerals.

8.) Faux Milk

Faux milk tastes great in cereal, with desserts, or even in your morning cup of coffee. Some companies like Silk even sell vegan coffee creamers in different flavors. But anyways, back to the vegan milk — there are so many options! Stores like Whole Foods have a large selection of different types of milks you can try, including hemp milk, sunflower milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk; they even offer vegan chocolate soy or almond milks, etc. — as you can see, the options are endless. For lots of protein and vitamins try fortified nut milks, which contain crucial vitamins, we vegans need. Faux milks also taste great in smoothies, sauces, or gravies.

9.) Hummus

Hummus is great to dip your favorite veggies or pita chips, and it also tastes great on sandwiches. It compliments falafel or wraps, and also makes a great substitute for pizza sauce on a veggie pizza. When mixed with vinegar and other seasonings, it makes a great vegan dressing for your favorite salad. Hummus tastes great on a lot of things, don’t be afraid to get creative!

10.) Oils

When it comes to cooking vegan, having a variety of different cooking oils to choose from can really come in handy! Coconut oil is a popular choice amongst many vegans. Not only is it great for adding a very subtle coconut flavor to vegan bacon or tempeh, it is easy to cook with and also works great as a moisturizer for skin or to condition your hair. Other cooking oils you might try include sesame oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, etc. Any light flavored oil that can be used for baking or high-heat cooking is ideal, and each type will have its different advantages or flavor depending on what type of meal you are preparing. Don’t be afraid to experiment, the best dishes and cooking practices are developed that way.

Easy & Tasty Vegan Banana Pudding Recipe



Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Servings: 6 – 8


  • 1/4 Cup Cornstarch
  • 3/4 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Pure Stevia Extract Powder
  • 3 Cups Non-Dairy milk (Soy works great but you can use whatever you like)
  • 2 Teaspoons Vanilla
  • 1 10 Oz. Box Nabisco: Lorna Doone Shortbread Cookies or other Vegan Vanilla Sugar or Shortbread Cookie of your choice. (I found my box of vegan sugar cookies at our local Food Co-op)
  • 2-3 Bananas


1.) Mix the cornstarch, sugar and stevia extract powder in a medium saucepan and begin heating on medium-high heat. Stir in the non-dairy milk of your choice. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract.

2.) Slice up 2 to 3 bananas in circular slices.

3.) Line the bottom of a 1 1/2 quart baking dish with Lorna Doones or other Vegan cookie of your choice. Cover the cookies with sliced bananas. Pour some of the pudding over the cookies and bananas and continue to layer in this fashion, reserving some space for additional cookies on top of and around the edges of the dish.

4.) Refrigerate until fully chilled. (Usually at least 6-8 hours, or overnight is even better).

5.) Serve and enjoy!

*You can add more cookies and bananas as desired. I personally like a ton of extra cookies for that extra cookie crunch.