

Hello, and welcome to The Green Vegan Gnome!

I’m Kylie, and I guess you could say I’m the “gnome” since this is my blog. You might be wondering how my blog got its name?–Its quite simple really, I love gnomes and gardening, and I live a vegan and cruelty free lifestyle. I love writing about anything that has to do with green (eco-friendly) living! So, there you have it. I’ve been vegan for a few years now. I decided to adapt to a vegan lifestyle after watching the documentary Earthlings, with my partner of 3 years, Caitlen. Together, we share an apartment in the Ann Arbor area, with our three furry babies: Ariel, Mowgli, (both cats) and Gizmo, (our 8 lb. Papillon who thinks he’s a cat).

I hope that you enjoy my blog! I plan to share lots of my interests, recipes, and thoughts with you, and I hope that you won’t find it all too boring.  A few other things you should know about me are that I’m a huge Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan, and therefore really into geek culture and things of that nature. I’ve studied electronic media & film in highschool and college, and have always had a strong passion for reading and writing. I’m also a bit on the quirky side, and love decorating our home to celebrate my personality and interests, so don’t be surprised if a few DIY or home decorating articles pop up every now and then. I’m sure you’ll learn more about me as I begin to post more, but for now I think I’ve covered the basics.

Again, thanks for visiting my blog, and as always, thanks for reading!

-Kylie (The Green Vegan Gnome)

I’m now selling fairy garden accessories, and vintage items on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/MossandWhimsy?ref=shop_sugg



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