Free and Low Cost Gift Ideas For Your Pet


With Christmas quickly approaching, the thought of being able to afford gifts for everyone can become quite stressful.  Its hard enough trying to come up with the money to buy your spouse and children gifts–let alone your pet. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to still celebrate Christmas with your furry friend, all while remaining in your budget. Here are some of the best free and low cost gift ideas for your pet this holiday season! It may not cost an arm and a leg, but your furry companion will love it all the same.

DIY gifts! (Around the house)
Your household is full of them, you just have to be creative and open your eyes a little. My cats Ariel and Mowgli, love many of the following…..

  • Empty toilet paper rolls. – The next time you do your business in the bathroom, instead of tossing that toilet paper roll give it to kitty instead. If you really want to get creative with it you can personalize it. Poke some holes in it and tie some pieces of string to it. Cats love anything that rolls around on the floor and has strings. Just make sure that if you put string on it that its tied securely enough where kitty can’t tear it off and choke on it or eat the string.
  • Empty tissue boxes. – Another thing my cats love are when we give them empty tissue boxes, Ariel’s favorite is when we put one of her toy mice or balls inside it. If your cat doesn’t have a toy mouse or ball, they are usually pretty inexpensive and can be purchased at your local grocery store, dollar store or pet supply store. Your best bet would be somewhere like Pet Supplies Plus or Dollar Tree, as you can usually find them here for a dollar or less. Your cat will enjoy trying to get the toy out of the box, and don’t be surprised when she actually turns the box upside down onto her head and walks around the house that way. Its entertaining for you and your cat and a great way for your cat to get exercise.
  • Empty pop cases – These make a great place for kitty to hide and run across the floor. Really, any big box that you can find will work. Ariel loves her coffee maker kitchen aide box more than anything. She plays in it and sleeps in it for hours because its dark and spacious and cats love that!
  • Empty pop bottles without the cap – If one of kitty’s smaller mice will fit inside it she’ll love rolling it around on the floor trying to get the mouse out.
  • Empty water bottles –  These make a crinkly exciting noise and will keep kitty busy for hours.
  • Crumpled up tissue paper. – Roll your left over tissue paper into a ball big enough where kitty can’t swallow it, and she will most likely play with it for an hour or so before she starts to tear it up. Just make sure not to leave your cat unsupervised with the tissue paper, and take it away from her when she does start to chew it.
  • Sticky notes or folded up notebook paper – These are also fun for cats because they can carry them in their mouth through the house and flick them up in the air with their paws.
  • Tampons – Even something as simple as a tampon, outside of the plastic or cardboard covering, will keep your cat entertained for a bit. They will have fun chasing it around the floor, and playing with the hanging string.
  • Get Crafty –  If you know how to sew, or are crafty in some other way, why not make some other type of neat toy for your cat? Get a bit of inexpensive catnip, or grow some at home, and sew together a little sack or crochet a toy to keep it in. Your cat will love it!

For kitty to join in on the unwrapping of presents during Christmas, wrap any of the above items in gift paper or put them in a gift bag, kitty will love unwrapping the toys and will most likely turn the wrapping paper and gift bag into a big heap of fun as well. You could even wrap an empty box or just crumple up some gift wrap because kitty will enjoy those just as much too.

Shop at thrift stores!
Thrift stores are a great place to find your pet the perfect toy! You can often find lightly used dog and cat toys, or even bird toys, etc. Just make sure that they are in proper working order, not broken or missing pieces and wash them in scolding hot water and soap to get all the germs off of them before giving them to your pet. Many times I can often find squeaky toys for pets or even something as simple as a tennis ball. However the best toys I find at thrift stores for my cat are toys that weren’t even meant for kittens! I am talking about baby toys! These make the best gifts for any pet! Look for things like….

  • Big cloth blocks that jingle for your cat to roll around on the floor.
  • Little cloth baby rattle toys that hang from car seats and things. Find a doorknob to hang them from or hang them from a basket etc. and your cat will love it!
  • I’ve also found things like little baby stuffed animals that crinkle or make noise, baby toys that have rings on them,
  • All kinds of balls that have things inside them that jingle, spin, or shake.
  • Baby blankets or the wrist rattles that tie onto a baby’s arms.

Cloth bath toys are another great idea. My cat has a cloth shark that she loves to death, its one of her favorite toys. She also has a little cloth rainbow fish that she enjoys playing with. Her favorite however has got to be her cloth Mater toy from the movie Cars that I found still in the package at Goodwill for 25 cents. It was originally in a box of Kellogg’s cereal. She carries him all through the house, hides him under the stove and flicks him around in the air with her paws and teeth. Like I said, its toys like these that make the perfect gift! They are fun, convenient, easy to find and cheap!

I usually find most of my toys at Goodwill and they cost anywhere from 10 to 25 cents plus tax. You can’t beat a price like that!

Shop at Dollar stores or Look in the Clearance Section
When all else fails, search at your local dollar store, or in the clearance section at stores.  Sign up for coupons or make frequent visits to the store.  One of the best times to get toys and other pet supplies at a discounted price, is after the holidays.  There are always deals, you just have to keep your eyes open. Try right after the holidays when everything is more likely to be on sale, and save it for next year if you have to. Its a great way to find that perfect toy your pet would love at an affordable price that won’t leave you struggling to make ends meet later.

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