Easy Vegan Buffalo Sauce Recipe


This easy vegan buffalo sauce is super easy to make. It can be made at home with a few key ingredients, most of which you probably already have lying around your kitchen. It tastes great as a spicy dip for your favorite vegan treat, or to make vegan buffalo wings. We usually use Field Roast’s apple sage sausages to make buffalo wings, and spread this homemade sauce over top. This sauce is hot, hot, hot but you’ll keep coming back for more!

What you’ll need

  • 1/3 cup Louisiana Hot Sauce (Or other hot sauce of your choice)
  • 3 Tbsp. Earth Balance Butter
  • 1/2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
  • 2 Tablespoons Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (Can be found online or at Whole Foods)
  • 2 Tbsp. – 1/4 cup Soy milk (Base this off taste. The less milk the spicier your sauce will be)
  • A Few Dashes of Cayenne Papper


Combine hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce and vegan butter in a sauce pan on medium heat

Mix combination until butter is thoroughly melted and mixed into hot sauce

Add garlic powder and a few dashes of cayenne pepper to sauce

Continue to mix until starts to bubble, then add soy milk

Mix again until starts to bubble then immediately move from stovetop (don’t let sauce boil)

-Rub onto your favorite vegan treat or use as a dip


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